KSA set only – No Federal Resume – up to 5 KSA points – $129.95

Candidates applying for positions often must include written responses to Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) along with their resume.

KSA’s are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT in the merit promotion evaluation process. Poor responses may prevent you, as an applicant, from being considered among the best qualified group. Remember, your score for experience is based solely on your responses to the KSAs, not the information included in your resume

Your KSA document — the knowledge, skills and abilities you possess that you believe will qualify you for the federal post for which you are applying—will do so only if they are correctly presented. This is why you need a professional KSA writer to prepare your documents.Each KSA point we write for you is written to specifically address the requirements in the job announcement.The more closely they match the specific knowledge, skills and abilities the better your chances of being hired for it. When federal hiring personnel reads your KSAs they should immediately see that you are qualified for the job. Successfully landing a federal job demands an accurate, perfectly crafted KSA document. Trust our professionally trained and certified federal writers to get the job done for you.You can’t afford to leave that first impression to chance. Leave it to us instead!

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Our KSA SERVICE is extremely comprehensive:(You will not find another professional service that offers such a comprehensive package for one all-inclusive rate for so little money!)

  • 3-5 KSA POINTS INCLUDED IN PACKAGE (Most other services charged you for each KSA point/statement)
  • KSA document delivered in MICROSOFT WORD format
  • Each KSA point written guaranteed a minimum of ½ page in length (longer for applicants with extensive high level experience) and will be focused on how your skill sets and experience relate directly to each KSA statement requirement
  • Proper use of Keywords that emphasize your background

Our Guarantee

  1. We guarantee your federal resume and supporting documents will meet all requirements and details set by the Federal Government or we’ll re-write it FREE!
  2. REGULAR DELIVERY – Maximum 5 business days for Federal and Military or we refund your money! (Business Days are Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM EST to 6:00 PM EST)
  3. RUSH DELIVERY – Maximum 24 business hours or we refund your money, when you purchase a premium rush upgrade! (Business Hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM EST to 6:00 PM EST)
  4. Special Guarantee for Military to Civilian Conversion Resume – We are the ONLY service to offer an exclusive 6 MONTH guarantee. This is a Special Guarantee For Military Personal Only. Our usual guarantee is 8 weeks but we understand that you may still be serving overseas or have just come home and need time to conduct a proper job search. We won’t rush you and we stand behind our professional services 100%! If you have not received more job interviews or employment offers within 6 months, we will rewrite your resume FREE! No questions asked…

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Federal KSAs Explained

KSAs are qualities needed by applicants to successfully perform their job. They are used in the Merit Promotion process to distinguish the “highly qualified candidates” from among the “qualified” candidates. KSAs are defined as:


An organized body of information, usually factual or procedural in nature. For example, “Knowledge of Contract Law and Regulations” could be used as a KSA for a Contract Specialist position. When responding, applicants should indicate what contract laws and regulations they are familiar with, discuss how they applied these laws and regulations in the work environment, and describe other significant situations they were involved in.


The proficient manual, verbal, or mental manipulation of data or things. For example, “Skill in Operating Personal Computers” could be used as a KSA for a Computer Assistant position. When responding, applicants should indicate what type of personal computers they have operated, discuss the various types of software programs they have used, and describe how these programs were applied in their work environment.


The power or capacity to perform an activity or task. For example, “Ability to Identify Signs of Discord, Tension, or Abnormal behavior” could be used as a KSA for a Correctional Counselor position.

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