Federal Format Resume – NO KSA – $219.95

Federal Resume – 5 Page OPM Format

Getting the feds to see you as the right person for the job is no easy task, and no one does it better than the professional, certified resume specialists at My Resume Manager. Our writers will create a Federal Resume and KSA set for you that accurately describes your knowledge, skills and abilities, provides all the information government agencies require and makes it easy for federal hiring managers to grasp your credentials within the first few seconds.

Obtaining a federal position demands a resume that showcases your key selling points using the keywords federal recruiters want to see. Our Professional Resume Writers know the right keywords to use to make your qualifications and skills readily apparent to the federal government. Our years of experience in helping applicants get hired for federal positions puts us at the head of the pack-and a professionally written, keyword-and-KSA correct federal resume will put you one up on the competition.

Why risk the job by preparing then yourself? Put us to work for you.

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Our Resume Packages are extremely comprehensive:
(You will not find another professional service that offers such a comprehensive package for one all-inclusive rate for so little money!)

  • Resume in MICROSOFT WORD format
  • Resume in PLAIN TEXT format
  • Resume in PDF format
  • CUSTOMIZED Cover Letter in MICROSOFT WORD format
  • CUSTOMIZED Follow-Up Letter in MICROSOFT WORD format

Guaranteed Delivery in 5 business days or less!

Trust your future to our experts…

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What is a Federal Resume?

The Federal Resume is one of three documents accepted as an official application for position vacancies within the Federal government. The other two are the OF-612 and the traditional SF-171. The SF-171 is considered “obsolete”, no longer available and some agencies prefer it not be used; however, some agencies prefer it. It is not always easy knowing which one to use. We recommend going with the “latest and greatest” Federal resume, as this tends to be the most widely accepted and it can help your image to go with what is current.

Read the job vacancy announcement VERY carefully. Some agencies have their own requirements for presenting your experience. If a Federal resume is permitted, please read the format for constructing it as explained in this document. Federal resumes should be developed in the “Chronological” resume format. The Federal staffing specialist who reviews the resume for initial qualifications must know where, when and how long you were at the position mentioned, along with a lot of other information. The Functional resume format will not work for a Federal resume.

What Information Must Be Included?

The Federal Resume must include additional information that is not typically requested in the private sector and if you don’t supply this information, your application could be rejected. Required information is as follows:

Job Information (Announcement number, title, series and grade of job for which applying)

Personal Information (Full name, mailing address w/ zip code, day and evening phone numbers w/ area code, social security #, country of citizenship, veteran’s preference, reinstatement eligibility, highest Federal civilian grade held)

Education (High school: name, city, and state, date of diploma or GED, Colleges or universities: name, city and state, majors, type and year of any degrees received)

Work Experience (Job title, duties and accomplishments, employer’s name and address, supervisor’s name and phone number, starting and ending dates, hours per week, salary, indicate whether we may contact your current supervisor)

Other Qualifications (Job-related training courses, skills, certificates and licenses, honors, awards and special accomplishments; for example, publications, memberships in professional or honor societies, leadership activities, public speaking and performance awards)

More Specific or General?

The purpose of the resume in the private sector is to get an interview and is more general in nature. In the Federal government, the purpose of the resume is to “show” your qualifications so that you can be “certified” by the Human Resources office, by meeting eligibility requirements. This means that your resume needs to include more specifics and similar language as the vacancy announcement because the Human Resources Specialist is looking to see if you have the “specialized” or directly related experience requirements of the position for which you are applying.

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